2025 Track Closure – Kuranda to Mareeba

We have been informed by the Network Operator (Queensland Rail) that there is damage to the railway line between Kuranda and Mareeba.

As a result, this section of line will be closed for repairs, which is anticipated will take approximately six months to complete. 

We are actively working to relocate the Savannahlander beyond the affected section of railway line so that we can operate our services from Mareeba. This is a complex process, and we will share further updates as more details become available.

For all passengers travelling on the Savannahlander during the period of the track closure, we will provide a transfer:

  • from Cairns to Mareeba for our Wednesday departures,
  • from Mareeba to Cairns on Saturdays for those returning on  the Savannahlander.

Once we have finalised the transport of the rail motors and the transfer arrangements, we will provide all passengers with confirmed bookings with further details.

Once the repairs are completed and the line is re-opened we will resume our normal departures from Cairns.

We kindly ask for your patience and request that you do not call the office for updates at this time. Our team is working hard behind the scenes to make these arrangements, and we will pass on all relevant information as soon as it becomes available.

If you have any urgent concerns, please email us. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to welcoming you on board.

2025 Bookings – update

2025 bookings are now available on our website…. Unfortunately not all tours are currently available. In particular we are not yet able to offer our 6 day, 5 night packages. As they come available for booking they will show on the website.

We do understand that this is frustrating for you, as it is for us also.

Please check back to our website to see when these bookings open….

The line between Einasleigh and Forsayth is currently CLOSED and is scheduled to partially re-open to Wirra Wirra (Wirra Wirra is a siding on the Etheridge Railway Line – it is approximately 10 minute transfer from Forsayth) at the end of 2024. The remainder of the line due to a bridge which has sustained structural damage is not expected to open during 2025. Any packages which include this section will include a coach transfer for the section of line which is impacted at the time of travel.

We can’t wait to have you travel with us!

2025 Bookings – when will they be available?

Unfortunately we are not able to open bookings for 2025 – just yet.

Please check back to our website or our Facebook page regularly to see when bookings open….

The line between Einasleigh and Forsayth is currently CLOSED and is scheduled to reopen during 2025. Any packages which include this section will include a coach transfer until the line is opened. When a reopening date is known, we will announce it here as well as the Facebook page.

We can’t wait to have you travel with us!

2024 Bookings Open

2024 bookings are open! All available dates for each tour can be found on our website in the Availability. Accommodation is limited which does restrict our bookings. If a new date comes available the website will be updated.

Once you have chosen your preferred date, please book via our website.

Please do not book your flights etc until your booking has been confirmed as availability can change without notice.

We can’t wait to have you travel with us!

Wil Kemp wins TTNQ Customer Service Excellence Award 2022

Well for once, I am kinda lost for words but I better try and find some.

Thank you to my boss, Mike, for taking a chance on a zookeeper 11 years ago and teaching him(me) how to drive a train. I don’t think either of us knew the path that lay before us that very first time we shook hands but over a decade later, here we are.

Thank you to Hamish, Anthony and Leigh for being my co-driver’s and ‘Brothers in rail’ and for helping me out every day during the trips over the years. I certainly couldn’t have done it without you fellas.

Thank you to Rob for your support over the years. What you have done for me certainly hasn’t gone unnoticed. I have learnt a lot.
Thank you to my darling, Mel, for your constant support and for looking after everything while I’m away. I couldn’t do what I do without you and I certainly wouldn’t be the man I am today. I love you.

Thank you to each and every passenger who has travelled with me over the last 11 years. Thank you for your patience, knowledge and stories. Like I always say, I have learnt a lot more over the years from you than you ever have from me.

And finally, Thank you to Karl, Malcolm and Tyson. These 3 passengers took the time to write a heart felt testimonial each explaining how I had gone above and beyond the call of duty during their trips. It was your kind words that won this award.

Thank you so much everyone. I love you all!!!
Wil ❤

RACQ People’s Choice Awards

This year we are entering the Queensland Tourism Industry Council tourism awards. We think that the Savannahlander and the people in the region who contribute to this amazing experience deserve a little recognition especially after all that has happened to the industry over the last year or so.

As part of this, we are also entered into the “People’s Choice” awards which are judged by you – our fans and customers!

We need your help to win this prestigious award – just head over to the RACQ People’s Choice awards to vote. Just go to: https://www.racq.com.au/peopleschoice

Simply click on “Experience or Service” then you can vote or look us up (under ‘S’).


Thanks for voting – now for some fun!

Ok – now for a bit of fun. Check out our video on Facebook called “Man versus Train”. You can find it by clicking on the link:


Feel free to comment or share the video… we will be bringing you more as the voting progresses!

If Facebook is not your thing, we also have a video on Youtube at:


Thanks again for being a part of the Savannahlander – we hope to share with you the ongoing story of Wil and Hamish AND also our placement in the People’s Choice Awards 2021.


Important Covid Information

As travel resumes throughout Queensland and Australia we have made changes to our operations and worked with partner organisations to ensure that we can deliver the unique outback rail experience that is world renowned in a manner that manages the risk related to Covid-19 to both our passengers and staff.

As part of our resumption plan and covid-safe operations there will be some changes to the Savannahlander tours. Please read the following carefully and check back before you travel to ensure that you have the latest information about your journey with us as we want to make your outback rail experience unforgettable for all the right reasons.

Changes to the Savannahlander operations

The safety of our staff and passengers are always of the highest priority for the Savannahlander. The following new procedures and facilities will be in effect for all travel on the Savannahlander:

  • All Savannahlander staff will be fully vaccinated
  • Social distancing will be encouraged;
  • Increase cleaning and sterilisation procedures during train journeys;
  • Hand washing stations will be located on each rail motor and passengers are encouraged to use them;
  • We will produce and maintain a “contact tracing manifest” ;
  • Face masks will be available for any persons developing a cough who will be provided a mask and required to wear them.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact our office.

2021 Holiday Office Hours

This year we will be closing the office for two weeks over the Christmas and New Year holidays. The last day in the offfice will be Friday the 17th December and we will return on Tuesday January 4th.

If you have a booking in progress or are making a booking during this period, please note that we are processing all the bookings in the order that they are received so your “place in the queue” will be preserved. We have had a huge response to the opening of our 2022 bookings so please be patient as our staff are busy processing an unprecedented number of booking requests.

From everyone at the Savannahlander we would like to wish you the best for Christmas and the new year ahead. Thank you again for working with us and we look forward to continuing this in the new year with you.